This page is a compilation of major meteorology projects I have worked on, mainly from my Weather Communications classes.
 The projects are separated by section.  Enjoy!

Weather Communications I (481)

Science Writing

The second section of Weather Communications I involved writing and constructing a website discussing how the sun causes winds to develop later in the day.  

The target audience was 11th grade students.  This was constructed over a 5 week period and was an individual project.

Weather Communications II (482)


During the second Weather Communications class, I performed a lot of broadcasting tasks.  Below are samples of two video forecasts and a 10-second tease.  Click on the screenshot to the entire video clip (Realplayer required).

This is a full weather sample weather forecast that would be seen on a full weather newscast.  It starts with current conditions and ends with the 5-Day forecast.

This is a morning cut-in used to capture the interest of the television audience.  Then, they will stay tuned for the full forecast.

This is a ten second weather tease used to capture the audience before a nighttime show comes on.  The goal is to make them stay tuned for the newscast.


Science Writing

For the second class of Weather Communications, I worked with nine other students to construct a much larger website on snow measurement.  I was in charge creating the third that investigated various snowfall measurement devices.  I also made the quiz for each section so viewers can test their knowledge.  The entire group's website can be viewed here..



For the first investigation, I was asked by the Coroner's Office to investigate the conditions in Annapolis, Maryland on January 25th, 2000.  I was to find out if the weather conditions were severe enough to cause a person to have hypothermia. 

For my final investigation, I was asked to see if the school district of Kent County, Maryland should be allowed to have $10,000 in emergency cleanup funds due to weather.  I used the NCDC Storm Database to acquire a list of snowstorms that had occurred in the past decade.  These were compared to the January 25th, 2000 snowstorm which dumped 20 inches in the area. 



I was asked to create a business module for a grocery store effected by major weather events.  I worked with four other students to develop a business plan, contract, and Powerpoint presentation which tried to urge the manager to buy our product.  I was specifically in charge of developing mathematical equations which described sales and helped the grocery store determine if it was time to close the store.  Below is a the sample first slide for our Powerpoint presentation.  

Weather Assurance

A professional business proposal and contract were also prepared to go along with the project.  The business proposal gives more details of what the company does and what we offer, and the contract provides pricing and a deal to sign.

Observing Meteorological Phenomena (471W)

This class was designed to have students observe meteorological events in the sky.  Pictures were captured over the semester and several papers were written from simple papers the public can understand to technical papers for other meteorologists.  My final project involved taking pictures of something in the atmosphere and then writing a 6 to 8 page technical paper on how it formed.  The paper was then formatted using Latex software to make it look like an American Meteorological Society article in pdf format.